Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009


I could hardly wait to get out of the Doctors office before I was on the phone calling my Dad, Mom and Sister. My parents are so excited to be Grandparents and my sister cannot wait to be an Aunt. My parents are already helping me with ideas for baby names and talking about baby clothes, bottles, etc. ;). Jake and I called my Grammy (my Mom's Mom) and my Aunt Corkie (my Mom's sister) on the car speaker phone. Grammy was so overwhelmed with joy that she was crying and laughing at the same time. Grammy has already decided that she would like to be called Gi-Gi for Great Grandma. This will be her first great grandchild. My Aunt Corkie was elated and cannot wait to be a Great Aunt. We also called my Grandpa and Grandma Reed (Dad's parents) in Missouri. They too were very excited and have decided their names that they would like Baby Thome to call them which is Papa and Grammie. My Dad wants to be called Ranpa (for my Dads name "Randy" and Grandpa put together) and my Mom is going to wait to see what comes out of Baby Thome's mouth. I also posted it on my Facebook page where many of our friends and other family members such as cousins discovered our news. I was very touched by the many comments we received and feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people in our lives.

As for Jakes family we have decided to wait to tell them until this next weekend which will be New Year's weekend. We are going to Lake Isabella where a lot of his family resides for a visit. Both Jake's parents have family there so we will be visiting both sides. Jake felt like this would be the best time to share it with everyone as he would like to do it in person. In light of recent circumstances with his father's heart attack this news should bring so much joy to his family. I decided I wanted to wrap up a gift for his Mom, Dad and sister to open for the big surprise. Jake helped me pick out a bib for his Dad that reads "Trail Blazing" because he loves to go off-roading in his jeep and two little outfits for his Mom and sister which say "I love Grandma" & "I love Autie". I took pictures so you can see what we bought for each of them. I will keep you posted on their reactions :).

She wants a Girl...He wants a Boy...but either way they will be filled with Joy!

We're Pregnant!!! On December 26th after being about a week late I decided to take a home pregnancy (lower picture) test first thing in the morning. As I sat watching the test develop I saw two lines coming in. I was in a state of shock. Was I still asleep?! Was I dreaming?! Was this real...pinch me! So, I called to make an appointment at the Doctors office for a blood test. After all a blood test is 100% accurate and I felt I needed this confirmation. On December 28th Jake and I set out to the Doctors where I was given both a Urine (top picture) and Blood test. The urine test was positive and I had to wait for the blood test results. The next day on December 29th I opened my email to a message from our provider with my blood test results. Again it was positive and my hcg levels were at 2,267 which verified I am between 5 and 6 weeks along! I just sat and cried as I was so overwhelmed with joy.