Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

She wants a Girl...He wants a Boy...but either way they will be filled with Joy!

We're Pregnant!!! On December 26th after being about a week late I decided to take a home pregnancy (lower picture) test first thing in the morning. As I sat watching the test develop I saw two lines coming in. I was in a state of shock. Was I still asleep?! Was I dreaming?! Was this real...pinch me! So, I called to make an appointment at the Doctors office for a blood test. After all a blood test is 100% accurate and I felt I needed this confirmation. On December 28th Jake and I set out to the Doctors where I was given both a Urine (top picture) and Blood test. The urine test was positive and I had to wait for the blood test results. The next day on December 29th I opened my email to a message from our provider with my blood test results. Again it was positive and my hcg levels were at 2,267 which verified I am between 5 and 6 weeks along! I just sat and cried as I was so overwhelmed with joy.


  1. Maybe you will have twins! One girl, one boy! You two are so blessed! Thank you for setting up this blog so we can be on your journey with you! Love you both!
    Christine & Alex

  2. Congratulations! I know that either way that will be one very blessed baby with amazing parents! Can't wait to follow along with you.

    <3 Lindsay

  3. Love the new blog. It's adorable! You are going to be fabulous parents. Congratulations! You're in for a treat :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations! We are so happy for the two of you and the entire family, especially for great grandma Betty Harris (gi-gi).Love you!
