Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, January 1, 2010

Being good parents starts at conception not at birth!

Today Jake and I decided to go over to Barnes & Noble to spend our gift certificates we received for Christmas. Of course I ended up in the Pregnancy/Baby isle where there was a large selection of books to choose from. Being first time parents - we both are a little nervous and have tons of little worries about the Do's and Don'ts. I am sure every first time parent feels this way. After all being good parents starts when your child is in your belly and not just when they are born. I purchased "Pregnancy Do's & Don'ts" by Elisabeth Aron, M.D., "The Real Deal Guide to Pregnancy" by Erika Lenkert and a Baby Book to start recording my pregnancy. My Mom made a baby book for me and I still to this day love to look back at it and want our child to be able to do the same. Also, over the years I acquired two books that were passed down to me from my Mom and a friend which are "Pregnancy & Childbirth" and "What to expect when you are Expecting". So I think we are pretty set and have more than enough literature at this moment to help get us started :). While I was there I also made my way into the children's book center. It is amazing and I can hardly wait to take our little one there!

After Barnes & Noble we went to Sports Chalet and while we were there hunger crept on up me and I began to feel nauseous. It's funny how you can be fine one minute and feel terrible the next! This has taught me to carry around a snack in my purse at all times! Jake got what he wanted quickly so we could go and get some lunch. Unfortunately, Baby Thome could not wait for lunch! At the register they had different snacks so I chose raw almonds. I could not wait while we were waiting in line to pay so I ripped open the package like an animal! This cute little girl about the age of six in front of us in line said "You have to pay for those". Kids say the funniest things! Normally I would never do a thing like this but the sickness made me do it! So I told the little girl that she was a very honest person and that I was of course going to pay for them. I told her that I had a baby in my belly and I was feeling sick. Her mom giggled and explained to her daughter that when a woman is pregnant she can get really sick and vomit if she does not eat something right away. The little girl glared at my belly in such confusion. She said "It does not look like a baby is in there...when is it coming out"? I told her when and she just said "oh" with a confused look on her face again. I left that up to her mom to explain as I think she was still learning how many months were in a year and how many days were in a year and so on. Kids crack me up! Well at least her mom taught her to be honest and that is important!

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