Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Jake's parents picked us up early the morning of January 2nd to head out to Lake Isabella for a day filled with lots of family. As Jake and I got into the car we handed them their little gifts to open. I told them that we had gotten them a little New Year's gift and that they had to open them at the same time. It was really fun to watch their reactions as they pulled the gift out of the box. My mother in law Lucy said "Yes!...I knew it"! Guess she caught on to our little secret as soon as she saw the present. She shared with us that just a few days prior she had a dream I was pregnant- Weird, I know! She gave us kisses and was just glowing with excitement. My father in law Russ said "Al-right"!!! with much excitement also as he exchanged kisses with us! As we drove up to the lake which takes a couple of hours we chatted about when Jake and I found out and about baby stuff. It was so cute because his parents kept calling each other "Granny" and "Crappa"(what Jake used to call his Grandpa as a little guy). We arrived at Grandpa and Grandma Andrews house first (Lucy's parents) where Dad helped us break the news to them by saying "Are you ready for a little one"? as we watched Jake's cousins little boy play in the center of the room. Grandpa and Grandma did not hear Dad as there was much going on but it helped me break the news as I was feeling a little shy about the announcement. I am not sure why I was being shy as I broke the news but as soon as they heard me Grandpa jumped up out of his chair and gave me a big hug and kiss and held me for a minute. He was so excited! Grandma then got up and gave both Jake and I a kiss and said congratulations to both of us. Grandma was excited and had many questions for me like when the baby was due to arrive and how many weeks along was I and did I have any ideas for how I would like to decorate the room. She shared stories of her pregnancies and deliveries with me. Grandma also shared with us that she too had a dream a few days prior that I was pregnant! We enjoyed our visit with them and they are very excited to have another great grandchild coming into their lives.

After we left their house we headed over to visit Russ's side of the family. We met them at Jake's cousin Michelle's house. It was really nice because there was a lot of family there and family members I had not met yet such as cousins and an Aunt of Jake's. I was in such aw as I looked around at all the Blued-eyed people there! I am hoping that our child gets those blue eyes that Russ and his siblings all have! Both of Russ's parents had blue eyes also! Jake and I have hazel eyes but you just never know how the genes will work?!?! Russ broke the news to the family before lunch that we are expecting by saying "I'm going to be a Grandpa". Everyone was so excited! It also made me really happy to hear him say that he needs to take good care of himself so that he can be here to enjoy his new grand baby. After lunch we decide to head out as we had a long drive home. I was so exhausted from the days excitement that I fell asleep for most of the car ride home. Jake's sister Krisde did not go with us so I sent home her surprise gift with Dad and Mom. She texted both Jake and I later congratulating us. UPDATE: Jan. 6th...Today we received a card in the mail from Krisde that was so sweet that it made me emotional. I was very touched by what she wrote to us.

1 comment:

  1. My poor darling daughter has started having constant morning sickness and just wants to sleep, sleep, sleep. Tell her ladies, this too shall pass, and give her any of your remedies for helping with it!
