Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


On February 25 (at 13 weeks and 4 days along), Jake and I set out to the Hospital for an appointment with an outside specialist that my primary doctor sent me to for some genetic screening tests to be performed. During this ultrasound they compare your blood test results (taken a week prior to the appointment) to the baby's organs and measurements. They look for genetic abnormalities such as Spina Bifida, Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18 in your fetus. Normally the tests are performed when a woman is of age 35 or older but I was given the option to have these tests even though I am only 30. I opted to have the tests performed for piece of mind. If my insurance was going to cover it and my doctor was going to give me the referral to do the tests...then why not!!! Some people would rather not fuss with it but I felt it was something I wanted to do! Dr. Benoit's office was so nice and he had the best equipment imaginable! He did a 3D ultrasound and a 4D ultrasound. The 4D ultrasound was very creepy looking but so much more realistic than the 3D one. During the ultrasound he said "I know what it is"...Would you like to know he asks?! Would I like to know???...OF COURSE!!! I had another ultrasound date lined up for April 6Th with my primary health care but was not about to wait until that date! He informed us that he could only give us a 80% guarantee as I was still only 13 weeks along which is early but he seemed pretty confident! Jake and I then learned it was a BOY! He then informed us that all the the baby's organs looked like they were developing on track and that my first trimester blood tests came out negative for Spina Bifida, Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18. During the ultrasound our little baby boy was very sleepy and kept putting his thumb in his was so cute! At one point the doctor even had to poke at my tummy a little to get him to wake up and move so he could see his spine to make sure it was developing correctly. Jake and I just sat in amazement during the whole ultrasound staring at our little baby. I didn't want it to end! Luckily, the doctor made us a video of the ultrasound to take home so we can watch it anytime! He also gave us some pictures that turned out really good!

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