Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Every year around this time the poppy's come in beautifully out in the desert. Jake and I always try to go see them during peak of the season but you just never know how they will be on any given day. If it is too chilly or windy out they will not open as much which is what happened when we went to see them last year. Last weekend we decided to take a ride to check them out to see how they were looking. We started out about 8:30 in the morning and arrived around 9:00. They were closed, but you could still see them for miles. They do look pretty closed up, but nothing like when they are fully open! We decided to do a little off roading since we brought our truck to get a little higher where there were an abundance of them in the hills. As the morning went on, and the sun started to come out a little more, the poppy's all started to open up and reach towards the sun. You could see them for miles it felt like, the mountains looked so orange from being covered in them that they looked like they were on fire! We brought the camera to take pictures, but did not start out with the intentions of taking pregnancy shots of me. Jake thought it would be so pretty to capture some shots of me in the flowers and the next thing we knew it turned into a full on photo shoot :)! We just kept taking tons of pictures to take advantage of the beauty of the flowers and get pregnancy pics all at the same time! The weather was incredible and it was such a special moment between us...a day we will both never forget! We decided that next year after the baby is born we are going to try and take pictures of the baby in the Poppies. We are planning on bringing props such as a red wagon and a basket to put the baby in.

As we were leaving it started to get more crowded with people arriving down by the main roads checking the Poppies out. It was so nice to have a truck to off road up to the higher hills because we got so much privacy without anyone disturbing us or getting in the way while we were taking pictures.

Once we were back on the main road and headed back home Jake pulled over on the side of the road, where a lady and her son were selling fresh cut Lilacs that smelled incredible, and bought a bouquet for me. When we got home he even arranged them beautifully for me in a bucket of water!

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